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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
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The after-sleep - 2005-08-14

moon phases
Bring it on
written @ 1:13 p.m. on 2003-10-25

I was reading diaries which always make me think and I found myself wanting to ask someone, arent you ever worried that someone you know will find your diary and then know everything which you do not wish to share with those who are not in the inner circle of your mind, thoughts, being....

I didn't ask, instead I tried to analyze and get the answer to my question myself, and what I came to was just this feeling; this feeling that life has plenty to thow at us. Scandals, tragedy, whatever.

Not that I welcome any of these or seek them out, but if they should occur, well at least it keeps life interesting and just think how much we grow from living hell.

I know I wouldn't give up my hell for the world. (Did I just say that?)

To sum up, my final thought was, "whatever, bring it on..." whatever it is it can be handled, thats life. If it wasnt we would just be dead wouldnt we.

I think that if it weren't for conflict, I would be very bored.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later