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Me, the Vampire.
written @ 2:53 a.m. on 2003-05-15

So,I read this article and at first I was like blah,blah...then I felt that what the article was saying I agreed with, then I started to think I was an emotional vampire, then I started to think my significant other was an emotional vampire, then I debated if it was he or I or both of us. Now I wonder if I am some sort of paranoid person to think I do that to people. And finally I came to the conclusion that perhaps I am a healthy emotional vampire, requiring people around me with positive energy to feed my positive energy, thereby allowing me to give it back.

I just can't be around people who don't progress, I love helping people who need help, who take the advice, or who at the very least effect change, even if they ignore my advice. But if I surround myself with people who do not have the desire to have the positive energy that I have, I feel like they just drag me down, and really I am too old to spend time with people who just aren't going to somehow contribute to their own happiness, by self evaluation and improvement. People who do do this, in my experience, tend to have positive energy, and this is what I love. Does that make me a vampire,I don't know. I have also found that the people around me actually have this energy and see it in me too, and all the good qualities they say they find in me, I find in them. People who inspire, that is the key. Surround yourself with motivators...(am I surrounded by vampires?)

Is it so bad to try and be happy and have fun and enjoy life?

For 4 years while I was married and 3 years with him before that I stopped listening to music. I did not do it on purpose, but what ended up happening was that his music became mine, and eventually I only listened to music if he put it on. I could take no energy from him, and so I lost my own. One day, after the separation something wonderful happened, suddenly I started to hear music again, I started to feel music again,and I wondered how for all those years I lived without it all the time. Positive energy, music.

It is too easy for us, as people to surrender our true natures to others, losing ourselves in the process not even knowing that we have even lost ourselves at all. If we can not take and share energy with those around us, then I think we will fizzle out, I know I did.

I found myself again, by losing everything and starting over, and what seemed so important back then, is laughable now,and all that matters is that I am really me again, and this is just amazing.

So, have I rambled enough...I don't know, I suppose after working hundreds of hours in a time span most people should have just worked 80, I am a little less composed and my composition is just off, so forgive me. But read the article, (I just skimmed for the key points), because if there is an unbalanced empotional vampire around you, maybe you should watch out. As for me, I promise I won't bite.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later