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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
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moon phases
written @ 2:08 a.m. on 2003-04-01

I have this friend and he is always saying that he doesnt need a chick in his life, and hes happy beign single, etc etc. Hes a really good guy. Anyway I was talking to another friend about him and I was explaining how when he says that what he really means is that he doesnt think he will find anyone who he will get along with well, so he might as well be single and avoid the hassle and heartbreak. I mean lets face it no one wants to be involved in a relationship and have it not work out due to differences which leave you feeling like you did something wrong, or there is something wrong with you. I dont think my friend is saying he never wants to meet anyone and hes happy being alone, which lead me to this...who really truely in their heart actually wants to be alone. If there is someone out there right now who would dare and insist that they would like tobe alone, and would reject the offer if someone guaranteed them that they could give them the perfect person for their personality, then I would love to hear about it. I think when you come to the point where you tell people you just want to be single and you dont need a chick, or a guy what youre really saying is I am so afraid of getting hurt I think I will convince myself of this then it will be okay that i havent found my person yet. Well news for you all closet lonlies: that perfect person is out there and its just a matter of time and giving in to being who you are. And that perfect person doesnt mean youll have to change and inconvenience your life for it, it means they will just like you for who you are, and they will love it. okay so thats my romantic blah blah for the night. Its dark in here, I can hardly see the keyboard, and I want to go smoke so I can listen to the seagulls sing in the darnkess of the night by my window, bye v.

a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later