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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
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The after-sleep - 2005-08-14

moon phases
written @ 4:22 a.m. on 2005-06-12

Updated more than 3 months ago.

How time flies. What happens to us in a day, a month a year if not documented is lost.

I was discussing love today with a friend. I argued that people's perspectives on love, when not having been in it, can be misleading. That the expectation that love will always be as it is in the beginning, or that it must be, is wrong. My theory was that love has its ups and downs, and that even in a true pure, wonderful love the people will undobtedly go through lower points, or complete loss of the euphoric feeling of being "in love", but that as part of love it would return. All part of a gentle cycle.

My friend completely disagreed, and I immediately thought to myself that he simply didn't understand what I was saying, and had no reference point.

Idealist, I thought to myself.

I argued with him that as time passed the ups and downs would occur, and if the parties held steady, the ups would come and go, all is never lost... He disagreed.

He said something, and it made me think, he said that the feeling of love when in love does not come and go, that time is irrelevant, because just as time passes quickly and unnoticably when you are sitting with someone you care about, enjoying every moment, so goes love. It would be like an afternoon at a party with many old friends, youre in it and suddenly so much time has gone by and you havent noticed because it is filled with such good feelings and moments. Given this, he said the feelings of love do not fade in and out, they are just there and the time passes all you have are the memories of time, gone in the hours, years, yet seemingly moments.

He believed people in love pass through life feeling that way and suddenly all you have at the end are this wonderful string of memories and there you are - years later because you passed the time in love, never thinking of it, or remarking on it.

I thought *that* must be heaven.

Idealistic, the romantic in me wished it to be true. At least it would be somethign to look forward to.

The birds are singing beautifully, the sun is rising, it is time to go to bed.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later