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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
Where - 2006-09-27
Clarity - 2006-03-22
a short description - 2005-09-25
The after-sleep - 2005-08-14

moon phases
Hold on
written @ 12:51 a.m. on 2004-01-04

I am going to work on Monday, talking to the department manager and asking her to allow a leave for this month. I am leaving, going to Hawaii on Tuesday. This is what I have decided, a giant leap. I could say more, but it all seems so moot to my mind. I am taking flight, and running risk, lets see where it takes me. Without the granted permission, I will probably leave anyway. Lets see how well they know me, what they have to do.

I go from elation to a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, there is no point in fighting what has to be done. Its all risk, and that seems what I like to do best, 2 days to get ready and make a plan and everything will be different just like that.

I am riding the tail of a comet. Scattered, afraid, determined and driven - I guess its the only way to go.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later