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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
Where - 2006-09-27
Clarity - 2006-03-22
a short description - 2005-09-25
The after-sleep - 2005-08-14

moon phases
written @ 4:30 a.m. on 2003-07-19

At gloaming, I sit at the window listening to the bats, or what I am sure must be bats playing what I imagine to be marco polo with each other in the skies. First one on one, and after a few minutes one to two. Back and forth, I try and spot them. But I see nothing. I can just hear them, like a beautiful song, almost like the whales, but in the skies...

I suddenly realize what the ultimate gift someone who truly knew me, truly would give me. Not metaphysically speaking, but material. And in realizing this I wonder if even those who know me deepest would figure it out. And I realize the most wonderful accomplishment would be to be able to figure this out for another person, for one that you care about. A gift that truly reflects that persons dreams, vision, loves; in a material form, bought at a store.

Could I choose that for the person I love, could they chose it for me? Does it mean anything at all. It would be my goal.

Nothing spoken, just known, observed.

A most extraordinary challenge. A goal. Come about in a simple, meaningful way.

Something that would be cherished and timeless.

Truly reflecting the knowing of another being's soul.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later