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Good Bye Non Descript - 2007-01-04
Where - 2006-09-27
Clarity - 2006-03-22
a short description - 2005-09-25
The after-sleep - 2005-08-14

moon phases
written @ 1:47 a.m. on 2003-09-21

Sometimes when youre in a relationship of dysfunction you just say "whatever" to the fits that are thrown around you. And you ask yourself, why am I here, and the question of "love" and its responsibility all come into play. What is the "right" thing to do...

There is no way for anyone to really know or judge, these are answers only we can come to. For once I wish that I could just hand the whole thing over to someone and they just tell me what to do.

Human beings are so messed up, its what makes us so charming.

Back to "love" - I think fairy tales have done us a great dis-service. Or maybe I don't know anything at all.

Again, why won't someone just show me.


Another cool night, the seasons are turning, and although I am a little scared of what lies around the bend,and I don't really look forward to the coming months, or even my "new job", I am sure it will be another interesting adventure.

I am tired.

Too tired to continue writing.


a minute, an hour, a day ago || or there is always later